Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Strange Leaf Effects

I was out in my Dad's yard the other day checking out the last of the leaves. I'm not sure what it is about his Sugar Maples. but they seem to hold their color about 2 weeks longer than everything else.

I took this shot with my Sigma 50mm @f1.4 on my D700 coupled with a 20mm extension tube. This gave it a ridiculously thin DOF and to me makes it look like the leaf is sitting on water (weird bokeh).

Anyways, Just thought I'd share!


Sunday, November 7, 2010

Turtle Trouble

I was out scouting a few areas for leaves and other shoots for the winter and spring. I was on an access road for Lake Hartwell when I came across this little guy. He appeared to be out enjoying the remaining warmth of the season as he was basking in a sun beam in the road.

I've got a soft spot for these guys because avoiding traffic is impossible for them. When you move at a pace of 1 foot per minute a simple road crossing is a huge risk.

Luckily we happened upon each other and in exchange for a few shots, I moved him to a safer location in the sun. Hopefully he made it somewhere safe for the Winter.

I named him Zippy.

Back away from the shell

After a bit of shell scratching he came around

On the move!

Thanks for looking a leave me some comments!

A little bit of the last of Fall color

SC Coastal Carolina Fair

I had the weekend off and decided that we ere $50 too rich, so we decided to take a quick trip over to The Coastal Carolina Fair held at the Ladson Fairgrounds near Charleston. So off we went!

I've been wanting to get some night time fair shots for a long time but with a 17 mont old en tow, we opted for a daytime visit. Maybe next Fall!

On to some Pics!

I love Bovine Photography

Another cow

Mmmm... Cow boogers!

(Insert silly Adam Sandler voice) "Hey Goat!"
Thanks for looking!


Saturday, November 6, 2010


Well it was that time of year where the ghouls and goblins made it out and about... OK, maybe they were just kids wanting some free candy.

This was the first year that we were able to take Haiden out Trick or Treating. We had her dressed up as a super cute little lady bug.

She seemed to get the hang of it after about 5 or 6 houses although we were never able to get her to say the magic words. Maybe next year.

Well this is a photo blog, so on to the pics!

Playing in the Yard

We also dressed up Marty

Baby Jail

Trick or Treat!

Thanks for stopping by!


Brushing the "teefs" after some candy